
Transforming Roaming: A Call For Collaboration

In today’s digital age, travelers expect seamless telecoms connectivity and hassle-free travel experiences. Operators seek profitability and relevance in a saturated roaming market, where connectivity is often seen as a commodity.

We believe innovating with external partners will help to bring fresh ideas and new technologies to transform the roamers’ experience and create additional value beyond price. Our goal is to develop a differentiated digital product that offers a breakthrough in improving the roaming or travel experience of our customers.

By collaborating with us, you will gain access to our huge customer footprint, extensive distribution network and the opportunity to co-develop and implement your proposed solution with us. This is how we will win together.


Connectivity-driven Innovation

Innovation to significantly enhance either the connectivity experience (e.g. Quality of Service), connectivity-related features (e.g. various communication features) or the purchase/usage experience of roaming

Role of Industry Partner
Provide technology stack to enable experience or feature enhancement, or customer-facing platforms related to purchase and usage

AI/Data Personalisation & Innovation

Innovation to use telco data, analytics and insights to create personalised roaming and travel experiences

Role of Industry Partner
Companies could either provide superior back-end data processing technologies or platforms, or develop a customer-facing platform leveraging telco data, or both

Travel Experience Innovation

Innovation to create a better travel experience depending heavily on usage of roaming (e.g. mobile data, low latency)

Role of Industry Partner
Companies to provide content, experiences or features either offered via the BMO, or as a customer-facing platform (e.g. AR game, live-streaming tool), requiring use of roaming.

Problem Statements (BMO Pain Points)

How might we…

…design a seamless and personalised roaming experience so that customers will decide to roam with our member operators when they travel?
…offer a differentiated roaming experience of higher quality and reliability, so that customers will decide to roam with our member operators when they travel?
…innovate engaging social, media or interactive experiences during travel so that customers will make greater use of roaming or 5G roaming connectivity?
…use telco data insights to integrate with the full roaming and travel journey so that travellers’ journeys will be more fulfilling?
  • Participating teams would need to select one or more of the four problem statements reflecting BMOs concerns and submit relevant solutions. The team should then identify and articulate a more specific customer-centric problem statement to be addressed.


For First Submission

Solution Proposal
Proposed solution should include:

  • Clear explanation of your idea and concept
  • Rationale backed by initial research
  • Ability to integrate with or use BMOs’ roaming product as a core requirement

Business Case
Teams should also construct:

  • Initial business case explaining key revenue drivers, costs, growth potential and nature of partnership with BMO
  • Marketing/Branding: How best to position the solution/BMO to have a right-to-play in travel and Go-to-market

Proposal deck should be limited to 10 slides and in PDF format of maximum 10MB file size. Registration is required prior to submission via the Call for Collaboration microsite

Teams to present their solution to BMOs on Pitch Day
over Zoom (details in later slides).

For Finals

Solution Proposal
Proposed solution should include:

  • A working prototype/MVP
  • Ability to integrate with or use BMOs’ roaming product as a core requirement
  • Data/results from marketing testing and research

Business Case
Teams should also construct:

  • Clear business case projecting estimated P/L and 3-year returns following commercial launch of solution
  • Proposed revenue-sharing or partnership model between BMO and partner
  • Detailed explanation of:

    -Marketing/Branding: How best to position the solution/BMO to have a right-to-play in travel and Go-to-market
    -Revenue generation: Ways to generate revenue from roaming, and if possible, non-roaming travel-related revenues

Presentation to be limited to 20 minutes, followed by a 10-minute Q&A session, via Zoom.

Assessment Criteria

To identify the true innovators and potential partners for this journey, we have carefully crafted a set of selection criteria that emphasize groundbreaking solutions, revenue generation, and the strategic utilization of telecom assets.

  • Innovativeness – How is the solution/product able to disrupt or transform the telco industry in the context of roaming?
  • Revenue generation – How can the solution/product generate additional roaming revenue, either through increase in number of roamers or increase in ARPU?
  • Ability to leverage on telco assets – To what extent can the solution/product make use of telco assets to either implement new processes or enhance existing ones?
  • Preservation of distinctiveness – How effectively can the solution/product create a proprietary platform that safeguards against duplication?
  • Applicability in Bridge Member Operator market(s) – How well can the solution/product effectively tackle problem statements in at least 2 of the following 5 markets: Australia, India, Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand, and potentially beyond.


Submissions have closed. Thank you for your interest.


Submissions have closed. Thank you for your interest.


Who would be an ideal collaborator and participant in the CFC?
The ideal collaborator would be companies ranging from scale-ups to mature companies and solution providers. They should have new technology and platforms that are already developed, or could be developed and launched within 6 months. Separately, companies who already have traction with a roamer/traveller customer base and/or with superior UX/digital products may also be considered.

Can I take part in this CFC as an individual, if I do not belong to a company?
No. We are only looking to partner companies with an existing team who can Go-To-Market within the next 6 months.

What are the benefits of taking part in this CFC?
If selected, you will immediately start working with our BMOs to develop and bring your solution to market. With our collective footprint of 1 billion customers across the region, and a vast marketing and distribution network in each market, solutions that add value and address customers’ pain points can achieve commercial success in participating markets.

What is the maximum number of people who can be in a team?
Each team will have 1 team leader and up to 3 additional members (maximum of 4). All team members will be required to participate in all of the activities in the CFC, including Deep Dive sessions with our BMOs and the Finals event.

Where can I get more information about each BMO’s roaming products?
Information about each BMO’s existing roaming products is publicly available and may be searched and accessed online.

Is there a minimum number of BMO markets that the solution must serve?
 The solution should be applicable to local market conditions of at least 2 of the following BMO markets: Australia, India, Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand. Teams may also target for the solution to scale to other BMO markets beyond these 5. For queries related to specific BMO markets, email roamingcfc@bridgealliance.com to discuss further.

What type(s) of telco data will be available for our use in this CFC?
No live or actual historic customer data will be provided during the CFC. However, teams may check with Bridge Alliance on the availability of specific data sources in their target markets.

Is the assessment criteria equally weighted?
The assessment takes all the mentioned criteria into account as part of a holistic evaluation of the suitability of the solution for our BMOs.