Bridge Alliance launches Bridge DataRoam5

Bridge Alliance launches Bridge DataRoam5

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Bridge Alliance announces the launch of Bridge DataRoam5 – a capped usage price plan for mobile data(1) roaming on the alliance’s member operator networks.

Bridge DataRoam5 is the latest addition to the suite of data roaming plans (Bridge DataRoam) launched by Bridge Alliance. With a capped usage of 5MB, it is catered for customers who have lower data usage requirements, yet they can enjoy significant savings. As an indication, 5MB can provide up to 100(2) emails or 500(2) WAP pages.

Customers have a choice to subscribe to the monthly plan at US$15 for 5MB or the weekly plan at US$12.50 for 5MB. Customers should contact their local member operator for service availability.

“Bridge DataRoam5 is designed to allow both business and leisure travellers to use mobile data roaming more freely when they roam on Bridge Alliance member networks. With a suite of different price plans including Bridge DataRoam5, Bridge DataRoam15 and Bridge DataRoam40, we cater to the different needs of our customers and at the same time, offer them significant savings with the best coverage in the region,” says Ms Mary Ong, Chief Executive Officer of Bridge Mobile Pte Ltd.

Bridge DataRoam is the one-flat rate mobile data roaming plan offering customers as much as 90% savings on data roaming charges.

The one-flat rate is applicable when customers roam on Bridge Alliance’s 11 member operator networks, namely: Airtel (India), AIS (Thailand), CSL (Hong Kong), CTM (Macau), Globe Telecom (Philippines), Maxis (Malaysia), SK Telecom (Korea), SingTel Mobile (Singapore), SingTel Optus (Australia), Taiwan Mobile (Taiwan) and Telkomsel (Indonesia).

Bridge DataRoam15 (US$30 for 15MB) and Bridge DataRoam40 (US$60 for 40MB) were previously launched on 5th November 2007.

(1) Mobile data refers to GSM and WCDMA packet data technology standards such as GPRS and HSDPA. Users would use mobile data roaming when they access their mobile emails or surf the mobile internet when they are traveling overseas.
(2) Based on the assumption of 50 kilobytes per email and 10 kilobytes per WAP page.